#etaoin Usage Notes #David Su 4/30/2013 #MACRO - respective zipf distribution of "etaoin" within entire text <==> scale (pentatonic, dorian, whole tone, lydianb7, bebop, easterly) from which pitches are drawn #BASS - morse code of entire text (iterating through) <==> duration of each individual note == rhythm of overall bass pattern - wavetype = pulse #LINE - weighted random selection of characters <==> rhythm (via morse code) and timbre (via consonants and vowels) - consonants (loosely grouped): nasal = n,m,r,l,w stop = p,b,k,g,d,t,c,q fricative = s,z,f,v,x,h,j ... affect ADSR - vowels in loose formant shape order: o,u,a,e,i ... affect wavetype (sin, tri, fami) #PERC - character typed in real-time <==> freq noise being probabilistically triggered on the same metronomic timer as the rest of the voices - use of "trigger characters" (etaoin and vowels -> o,u,a,n,e,i,t) <==> alteration of freq used to generate noise #MASK (for bass) - punctuation typed in real-time <==> pad-like shine, sustained note based on bass - . = same freq as bass - ! = an octave above bass - ? = any freq in between (including microtones)